Pokemon Black And White Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

Pokemon Evolution: Black and White 2; 2BW001; 2BW002. Pokemon Best Wishes! Enter Iris and Axew! Enter Iris and Axew! Wana Support Me? If you wana support me? I'm not asking any money from you Just Click on any Ads and wait at least one Minute on that ad page!! That really encourage me purchased more future pokemon season 🙂 × Dismiss alert. Iris exclaimed as she gave the apple in her hand to Axew, who proceeded to jump down to the ground where Pikachu was, sharing half of an apple with him. 'It's not just that. Pidove is a brand new friend, and my second Unova Pokemon at that.'

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'Enter Iris and Axew'
Episode Code
Pokémon: Black & White
Air Date
United States
Air Date
Sep-23-2010 Feb-12-2011
BW001BW002 BW003

'Enter Iris and Axew' is the second episode in the season Pokémon: Black and White.

Episode Plot

In this episode Ash decided to go on a quest in the Unova Region. He is still at his goal catching every Pokémon in the world. Professor Juniper gave Ash five empty Pokéballs and a new Pokédex, she also told him where the nearest gym was.

The next morning Ash left on his new quest, however Oshawott followed Ash all the way to Route 1. When Ash was walking in route 1 he heard something in the bushes, he checked to see if it was a pokémon. The Pokédex said 'Axew, the Tusk Pokémon. Axew marks its territory by making scratch marks on trees with its tusks, which regrow if they fall out.' Ash looked at the Pokédex picture then the thing hiding in the bush. He said to himself 'That doesn't look like this.. I'll catch it anyway!'

Ash threw a Pokéball to the thing in the bush, and it just bounced right off it. A girl popped out of the bushes and yelled 'OK, What was that for?!' Ash replied 'See, I was only trying to catch a Pokémon.' The girl asked 'Oh, so what you're really telling me is that I look like a Pokémon. Your Pokédex, is this cute face in there? Tell me, IS IT?!' the girl smiled but suddenly got mad again. Ash said confused 'No, uh..Sorry.' The girl smiled and said 'Fine, I accept your apology. But you've got a long way to go as a trainer if you think I look like a Pokémon. Right , Axew?' A Pokémon popped out of the girl's hair and happily said 'Axew Axew!' Ash gasped 'Wow, that's where it was.' The girl noticed Pikachu and gasped 'Whoa, no way! Pikachu?' she grabbed it and hugged it

'You've got to be the sweetest thing ever! It's so cute! And those jiggling cheeks! You can't find anything this jiggly in Unova! Well I, for one, am dying to know what a Pikachu's doing here. Now come on, Tell me! Tell me! Tell

Iris hugging Pikachu

me!' Ash answered 'We're from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region.' The girl asked 'Pallet Town?' Ash answered 'Yeah. I'm Ash, And I wanna enter the Unova League.' the girl contined 'Isn't that nice? It's nice to meet you. I'm Iris' but right after she told Ash her name, Pikachu shocked her with a Thunderbolt.

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Iris apologized to Pikachu. She told Ash about the great thunder that happened the other day. Ash told her 'Sure was Professor Juniper said Zekrom caused all that lightning.' Iris gasped 'Zekrom, the legendary Pokémon caused it?! Please, I want to know everything?!' Iris got interrupted, Pikachu pointed at a Pokémon. Ash looked at the Pokémon 'The Pokémon from yesterday!' Ash ran with the Pokémon and Iris caught up with him.

Meanwhile with Team Rocket, they are discussing with plans on how to get Pikachu with Giovanni and he tells them 'I have every confidence that you won't let me down.' But after they are done talking, a school of Woobat attacked them.

While that was happening Ash followed that Pokémon still trying to catch it. Ash looked up the Pokémon on the Pokédex and it said 'Deerling the Season pokémon. With the change of each season, Deerling's appearance changes as well.' Ash got a Pokéball and threw it at Deerling. The Pokémon used its ear to stop the Pokéball from coming at it. Iris tells Ash 'You don't get it. You act like a little kid..If you want to catch it, you've gotta battle it.' Ash remembered 'I knew that! Come on Pikachu!' Pikachu tagged along with Ash. Once all the Deerling noticed Ash and Pikachu, they ran away. Foxit advanced pdf editor free. After that a herd of Pokémon ran over Ash and Pikachu. Ash was dizzy and so was Pikachu. Ash said 'Ok, I give. Who was that Pokémon anyway?' then he and Pikachu collapsed. Iris said: 'It was a Patrat. You are a little kid.' Axew agreed with Iris.

Later Ash and Iris were picking apples for dinner. Ash pick an apple and asked 'Wonder if I can eat this?' then a pile of apples fell on top of him. Iris said happily 'Come and get it! Dinner!..Huh? Where'd Ash go?' Ash answered weakly from under the pile of apples 'Down here..' Iris said 'Sorry about that.' They talked until night. Iris said 'I see..So Pikachu had a really rough day because of Zekrom.' Ash continued 'Pikachu must've stored up and then let out all its electricity, because of all the intense stuff Zekrom was up to, that's what the professor said.' Iris said 'Well Zekrom is a legendary Pokémon you know. I'd love to meet Zekrom some day. I can't wait to meet Zekrom!' Ash contined 'Unova's got lots of cool Pokémon, not just Zekrom, I'll meet them all. Iris?' When Ash checked on Iris she was sleeping in a tree. Ash sighed. Ash looked up in the sky 'That Unova sky's full of stars. From now on, our journey's gonna be under this sky.' A shooting star flashed in Ash's and Pikachu's eyes, Ash said excitely 'A shooting star. That's great. Good luck. Pikachu, don't you feel lucky too?' While they where talking, Oshawatt was still following them!

The Next sunny day Ash continued on his quest to become a Pokémon Master. However Iris vanished. Ash said to himself and Pikachu 'Iris left early, you know? I wonder where she could've gone? Well, no big deal. Its a brand new day.' Ash stopped talking when he heard something walking. It was a pigeon-like like Pokémon. Ash checked the Pokédex 'Pidove, The Tiny Pidgeon Pokémon. A Pidove flock's cooing can get extremely noisy. Pidove is not attracted to shiny objects.' Ash said out loud 'Cool, Pidove.. Lets go!' Ash followed the Pidove to find a group of Pidove. Ash pointed at one of the Pidove. 'OK, Let's battle that one!' Pikachu jumped into battle mode, Ash told Pikachu to use Thunderbolt once, the Pidove fainted. Pikachu's Thunderbolt scared all of the Pidove, they started to attack him. One of the attacks was Air Slash, two of the Pidove used Quick Attack. While that was happening, the fainted Pidove recovered and flew away with the rest of the group. Ash noticed there was one last Pidove. Ash told Pikachu to use Quick Attack, the Pidove got hit. After that Ash told Pikachu to finish it with Iron Tail, Ash threw a Poké Ball 1..2..3 POP! The Pokémon escaped. Then the Pidove used Whirlwind, then it used Quick Attack after that, Air cutter, then it used Quick Attack again, Pikachu jumped right before it could hit. The Pidove hit a tree and got hurt. 'All right, Thunderbolt! Now' Ash yelled Pikachu used Thunderbolt, the Pidove tried to escape but it got hit. Then Ash threw a Pokéball and he had caught it! Iris happened to appear out of nowhere and said 'Whoa. You're that excited about catching a little Pidove? What a kid.' While Ash and Iris was talking Iris's Axew found an apple, Pikachu was hungry so Axew cut the apple in half with it's teeth, they both started to eat right when Pikachu took a bite out of it, two hands grabbed Axew and Pikachu. Pikachu yelled 'Pika Pika' while Axew yelled 'Axew Ax!'

Pikachu and Axew are trapped in the glass box

Ash and Iris noticed they saw a 2 people and a Meowth Ash yelled 'You guys again?' It was Team RocketJessie and James and of course Meowth. They did their introduction. Iris asked 'Team Rocket? Who are they?' Ash answered 'They're a group of bad guys who steal peoples pokémon!!' Jessie said 'Right, evil deeds like stealing Pokémon are our stock and trade to rule the world, because that's what we do.' Iris yelled 'Axew's not yours, it's mine! Give it back.' James looked at Axew 'I see, so this is Axew' Meowth continued 'And we claim Axew as part of our takeover of the Unova region!' Iris gasped 'Hold on, you must be a Meowth. What're you doing here?..Forget about that, how can you talk?!' Meowth answered 'Simple, I'm a genius!! A Meowth that you only get to hear once in a lifetime.' They threw Pikachu and Axew in a glass box. Pikachu and Axew tried to break out but it was impossibe. Ash said while throwing a Pokéball 'No way. Pidove, I choose you!' Pidove came out of the Pokéball. James said 'He's using a region pokémon too' Jessie told Meowth to fight. Meowth was about to use Fury Swipes but it failed due to Pidove using Gust.

Jessie told Ash that he's doing well. Jessie threw a Poké Ball, she said 'Try my Pokémon on for size!' A fluffy bat looking like pokémon appeared out of the Poké Ball. Ash asked 'What's that?' Iris answered 'It's a Woobat!' Meowth said 'A Woobat! That name's got a nice ring to it.' Jessie continued 'Nice ring is a good thing. Woobat, use Air Slash!' Ash yelled 'Dodge it quick! All right use Quick Attack' Pidove avoided it. Then it used Quick Attack. Jessie told Woobat to avoid it and then use Gust. Then Pidove fainted. Ash and Iris ran to Pidove. Ash told it 'Pidove! Snap out of it!' Then Jessie put Woobat back in it's Pokéball. James said 'Our premier mission in Unova is complete. Off we go!' James opened a suit case which turned out to be a hot air balloon. As they left Jessie said 'Nice doing business with you twerp.' Iris started to climb a tree. Ash started climbing too. He jumped and tried to grab the glass box that Pikachu and Axew was in. Iris thought to herself 'No way'. Ash couldn't grab the glass box and he fell down. Suddenly Oshawatt appeared! It threw the Shell that was on it's chest to Team Rocket's Balloon. Team Rocket's Balloon fell down. When it fell to the ground the glass box broke. Ash and Iris caught Pikachu and Axew while Oshawatt caught it's shell. Oshawatt started to dance. Team Rocket fell down. Jessie was mad. Jessie took Woobat's Pokéball and threw it. Woobat came out and used Air Slash on Pikachu and Axew. Jessie said 'Air Slash again!' Woobat used all of its strength to make this Air Slash. Right Before it could hit Pikachu or Axew, Oshawatt used Water Gun. Then Finally Ash told Pikachu to use Volt Tackle. Right before it could hit Team Rocket, James threw something that created smoke and they escaped. Ash asked 'Did they escape?' After a few seconds Pikachu fainted.

Later that day Ash and Iris were in the Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy healed all of Ash's and Iris' Pokémon. They were talking with Nurse Joy when Ash started to wonder why did Oshawatt save their pokémon. While they were talking, Oshawatt was watching them in a window.


  • Pikachu did not destroy a bike, unlike the previous female companions of Ash.
  • Ash turns his cap if he is catching a Pokémon.
  • Iris is officially introduced in this episode.
  • This episode debuts the redesigned Nurse Joy.
  • Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld takes over as the voice of Nurse Joy in the English version.
  • This is the second time James has no Pokémon on hand and also the first time Jessie has no Pokémon on hand.
  • Wobbuffet is no longer a member of Team Rocket as of this episode, due to the fact he isn't native to Unova.
  • Just like in the first episode when one of the Pokémon Ash thought was a Pidgey, he threw a rock and he was attacked by a flock of Spearows. Ash captures a Pidove, after they all attack Ash.
  • Professor Oak's Live Caster: Poke Balls
  • Who's That Pokemon?: Oshawott (US)
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BW001: In the Shadow of Zekrom!
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
Enter Iris and Axew!
BW002 EP659
Iris and Kibago!
Japan September 23, 2010
United States February 12, 2011
English themes
OpeningBlack and White
EndingNone (TV Broadcast) / 心のファンファーレ (DVD)
Animation Team Kato
Screenplay 藤田伸三 Shinzō Fujita
Storyboard 金崎貴臣 Takaomi Kanasaki
Assistant director 矢嶋哲生 Tetsuo Yajima
Animation director 小山知洋 Tomohiro Koyama
Additional credits
  • Preview thread on BMGfClosed

Enter Iris and Axew! (Japanese: アイリスとキバゴ!Iris and Kibago!) is the second episode of Pokémon the Series: Black & White, and the 659th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan, as part of a one-hour special along with BW001, on September 23, 2010, and in the United States on February 12, 2011, once again premiering after In The Shadow of Zekrom!.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
  • 3Major events
    • 3.1Debuts
  • 4Characters
  • 5Trivia


After being struck by lightning, Pikachu is having trouble using its Electric-type attacks..but a second strange thunderstorm heals the Pokémon just as quickly! Attributing the ordeal to the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom, Professors Oak and Juniper agree that further research is needed.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket has arrived in the Unova region, and prepares to launch an operation designed to steal both Zekrom and Pikachu! Ash is eager to start his new journey, and armed with a new Pokédex and new Poké Balls, our hero sets out to meet as many Unova Pokémon as he can. While trying to catch a Pidove, Ash runs into a girl named Iris and her Pokémon Axew. It doesn't take long for Team Rocket to launch a plot to steal Pikachu, Pidove, and Axew, too! Of course, Ash springs into action, battling his old enemies Jessie, James and Meowth. He gets some help from an unexpected source: Oshawott, who has been following Ash and Pikachu since they left Professor Juniper's lab. Before long, all the Pokémon are safely returned, while Team Rocket mysteriously vanishes.

The group visits the Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy restores Pikachu, Axew, and Pidove to perfect health. Iris admits that although Ash acts 'like a kid,' she is impressed with the way he sprang into action when saving their three Pokémon. And Ash wonders out loud why Oshawott helped them out the way it did..


Soon after arriving in Unova, Pikachu was struck by blue lightning from the Legendary PokémonZekrom. Now in Professor Juniper's lab, Pikachu is being treated for an electrical overcharge while Zekrom and its dark clouds have again appeared over Nuvema Town. Professor Oak and Professor Juniper attempt to restore power to the lab's electronics. Ash, in an attempt to calm him down, immediately grabs Pikachu but is shocked by the electricity. Immediately, the blue lightning and the black clouds disperse and the sky is calm once again. Ash falls back onto the floor, and his mom rushes to his side. Pikachu lies on the floor on his stomach, with his cheeks sparking. The electronic systems in the lab then mysteriously regain power.

Mrs. Ketchum, followed by Oshawott, are equally concerned, but Ash reassures them and gets up immediately, worried about Pikachu. The Electric Mouse Pokémon gets up, smiles and then charges his tail with electricity, showing Ash he has recovered. In order to test out Pikachu's electricity further, Ash commands Pikachu to use Thunderbolt and Volt Tackle on him. After Ash is given a decent shock from Pikachu, he comes to the conclusion that Pikachu is back to normal, before collapsing due to exhaustion.

Later that night, while having dinner together with Pikachu, his mother, and Professor Oak, Ash announces that he wants to begin a new adventure in Unova, to be able to meet new Pokémon and make new friends, and will be challenging the Unova League. Approving of his decision, Professor Oak tells him that he will take good care of his other Pokémon while he is away, while Ash's mother advises Pikachu to look after Ash. Professor Oak, as a researcher, then requests Ash to occasionally report to him about new Pokémon and discoveries. Right after their dinner, Professor Juniper gives Ash a Pokédex and five Poké Balls, and tells him that the first Gym is at Striaton City. She also reminds him that he may meet his rival, Trip, while on his journey.

As the sun rises the next morning, Ash is now prepared to leave for his journey. Meanwhile, Mrs. Ketchum, standing beside the two Professors, now rattles off a list of advice and to-dos for Ash on his journey. He tells her that he is not a young boy anymore, and when Professor Juniper informs him about the Pokémon Center after leaving the forest, he turns around and sets off, the three adults cheering him on. Oshawott watches from behind.

Ash walks into the forest, wondering what kind of Pokémon he will catch first. He then hears rustling from a bush, and seeing something purple, he checks his Pokédex. The electronic gadget displays a picture of an Axew, apparently green in color, which leaves Ash confused. Nevertheless, he throws a Poké Ball, and it actually hits a girl's head. The girl rises from the bush, enraged at being thought of as a Pokémon. Ash immediately apologies for his actions. Accepting his apology, the girl raises the fruit she had picked to her hair and an Axew pops out, grabs the fruit and jumps to the ground, eating it. As Pikachu walks towards Axew, the girl excitedly picks him up and starts playing with his cheeks, hugging him tightly. She admits Pikachu is unusual in Unova, before introducing herself as Iris. During the conversation, Pikachu struggles to breathe and discharges a lot of electricity, causing Iris to drop to the ground. Later on, Iris apologizes to Pikachu, and she questions Ash about the incident that happened yesterday. Upon hearing that Professor Juniper described the Pokémon as Zekrom, she starts further questioning him, but Ash and Pikachu, having spotted a Deerling, became distracted and chases after it.

Somewhere in a cave, the Team Rocket trio report to Giovanni that they have successfully infiltrated the Unova region. Plotting to capture Pikachu and a Legendary Pokémon they had encountered, the trio requests to have their Pokémon that they had left in the Headquarters. However, Matori interrupts, and tells them that using Pokémon that are not native to Unova would raise suspicions, so they will have to catch Pokémon only found in Unova. Meowth then wonders if he will be alright, as he is not native to Unova. Giovanni takes his leave, and the three become very determined to succeed. Back at Team Rocket HQ, Giovanni once again reaffirms his secretary's doubts, though he is sure that their operations will result in Unova's secret organization revealing themselves. Meanwhile, the trio is inspecting the 'Starter Kit' they have been sent which comes with Poké Balls, when a colony of Woobat flies towards them.

Back in the forest, Ash spots a herd of Deerling near a pond, and checks his Pokédex. He throws a Poké Ball at one of them, which it easily deflects with its head. Iris then teases Ash for not battling the Deerling first, to which Ash responds he was trying his luck even though he hasn't done so in a while. Ash is about to send Pikachu into battle when suddenly, one of the Deerling alerts the herd, and they all run away. However the fleeing is because a scurry of Patrat was on a rampage, rather than it being due to Pikachu's presence.

Night soon approaches and the sun begins to set. As Ash and Iris begin searching for food, Ash picks an apple from the tree and wonders if it could be eaten. However, Iris manages to obtain a mountain of apples from the same tree. As night falls, Iris and Axew are sitting in the tree, while Ash and Pikachu sit beneath it, all four eating apples. They soon talk about yesterday's incident with Zekrom. Iris then exclaims excitedly about encountering Zekrom, while Ash looks forward to the possibility of meeting mysterious Pokémon like Zekrom everywhere. Ash looks up, and realizes that Iris and Axew have fallen asleep. Ash and Pikachu begin admiring the brilliant, star-filled night sky, when a shooting star, a symbol of good luck, runs across their field of vision. The two soon become excited about their journey, and as they drown themselves in a babble of energized chatter, Oshawott appears from behind a bush, oblivious to the two of them.

The next day, Ash wakes to find Iris missing, but nevertheless continues with his journey. He sees a Pidove flying above the forest, checks his Pokédex, and decides to catch it before giving chase. Reaching a clearing where a flock of Pidove have gathered, Ash tells Pikachu to engage the closest one. Pikachu, using a super-effective Thunderbolt against Pidove, causes it to faint. However, when Ash is about to throw a Poké Ball, the enraged flock of Pidove attacks them with Air Cutter and Quick Attack, buying enough time for the fainted Pidove to recover and flee. As the entire flock fly off, Ash notes that catching Pokémon is never easy, then finds that a single Pidove has remained behind.

Seizing this opportunity, Ash commands Pikachu to use Quick Attack, and Pidove is sent flying across the ground. She then manages to get onto her feet, recovers and tries to regain an awareness of her surroundings. As she was doing so, Pikachu jumps into the air and lands an Iron Tail attack on Pidove, knocking her down. Ash quickly throws a Poké Ball. For a moment Ash thinks he's caught her, but Pidove breaks free. Pidove attacks Pikachu with Gust, Quick Attack and then an Air Cutter. Confident, she attempts to finish Pikachu off with another Quick Attack but Pikachu jumps into the air in time to dodge. The surprised Pidove flies straight into a tree. Pikachu then prepares a Thunderbolt as Pidove gets up, scrambling to avoid the attack but fails. Ash throws the Poké Ball again and catches Pidove. As Ash and Pikachu celebrate the success of their first catch in Unova, Iris shows up with an apple, saying that his celebration over catching a Pidove is typical of a small child's behavior. Ash exclaims that he now has a new partner when competing in the Unova League. During the conversation, Axew splits the apple from Iris and shares it with Pikachu. However, before the two Pokémon could finish eating, a pair of mechanical hands grabs them.


Ash and Iris turn around to find the Team Rocket trio, standing beside the 'hands'-machine and reciting their new motto. Iris questions who Team Rocket are, and after learning their evil ambitions, she immediately demands Team Rocket to return her Axew. She also notices that Meowth is able to talk, and Meowth self-proclaims that he's far more intelligent than all other Meowth. Team Rocket then places Pikachu and Axew in a glass box, forcing Ash to send out Pidove. In an attempt to show how strong Pokémon from Kanto are, Jessie sends Meowth to battle, who attempts to use Fury Swipes. Pidove sends Meowth flying backwards with Gust. Jessie then sends out her newly- caught Woobat. Pidove evades the Air Slash and charges at Woobat with a Quick Attack. Woobat dodges to the side, turns around and uses Gust, knocking out Pidove, and Jessie recalls Woobat.

James then prepares a purple balloon for their escape. Desperate, Ash and Iris both climb a nearby tree and Ash leaps to the rescue. However, he misses the glass capsule and falls back to the ground. Things seem hopeless until Oshawott suddenly appears from nowhere and throws his scalchop at Team Rocket's balloon, causing it to crash which shatters the glass box. As the Pokémon are thrown clear, both Ash and Iris jump forward and catch their Pokémon, while Oshawott catches his scalchop, places it back on his belly and jumps for joy. However, Team Rocket will not retreat without a fight. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, but Jessie immediately sends out Woobat and the Bat Pokémon uses Air Slash, which hits both Pikachu and Axew first. Jessie orders another Air Slash. Just before Woobat can attack, Oshawott jumps in front of the two Pokémon and uses Water Gun on Woobat, sending it flying towards Team Rocket. Pikachu gets up and charges into Volt Tackle, but James throws a smoke bomb allowing Team Rocket to make a clean getaway. Then Pikachu and Axew collapse onto the ground fro exhaustion. Ash grabs Pikachu and thanks Oshawott, before he and Iris rush off to the Pokémon Center. Oshawott stares blankly as they disappear into the distance, puzzled as to what had happened.

Later that evening, Pikachu, Pidove and Axew are released from treatment at the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy exclaims that it's the first time she's treated a Pikachu, and Ash introduces himself. As a Kanto region Trainer and his first visit to a Unova Pokémon Center, she formally welcomes him on behalf of all the Pokémon Centers. Iris thanks Ash for helping her rescue Axew, but Ash says that Oshawott was the true hero. As Ash wonders why Oshawott had helped them, the Sea Otter Pokémon secretly peeps into the Pokémon Center and observes Ash.

Major events

  • Zekrom appears again, and Pikachu recovers his Electric powers.
  • Ash decides to remain in Unova and challenge its Pokémon League.
  • Ash receives a new Pokédex and five Poké Balls from Professor Juniper.
  • Ash learns the first Unova League Gym is in Striaton City.
  • Ash meets a mysterious girl named Iris and her Axew.
  • Iris decides to follow Ash on his journey.
  • Jessie and James are revealed to have left all of their Pokémon at Team Rocket's Headquarters.
  • Ash tries and fails to catch a Deerling.
  • Ash catches a Pidove.
  • Jessie catches a Woobat.
  • Iris encounters Team Rocket for the first time.
  • Professor Juniper's Oshawott is revealed to know Water Gun.
For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the timeline of events.


Pokemon Season 14 Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

Pokémon debuts

  • Woobat (Jessie's)
  • Pidove (Ash's)



Pokemon: Black And White Episode 2 Enter Iris And Axew

  • Trip (flashback)


Who's That Pokémon?

Who's That Pokémon?: Oshawott

  • Pikachu (Ash's)
  • Meowth (Team Rocket)
  • Axew (Iris's)
  • Pidove (Ash's; new)
  • Woobat (Jessie's; new; debut)
  • Snivy (Trip's; flashback)
  • Oshawott (Juniper's)
  • Zekrom (anime)
  • Deerling (Spring form; multiple)
  • Woobat (multiple; debut)
  • Patrat (multiple)
  • Pidove (multiple)


  • Professor Oak's Pokémon Live Caster: Poké Balls
  • Even though she debuted in the previous episode, Iris is officially introduced in this episode.
  • This and the previous episode are the first episodes to air in Japan after the earliest releases of Pokémon Black and White in Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of the UnovaNurse Joy design.
  • This is the second time James has no Pokémon on hand, and the first time for Jessie.
    • Also, as of this episode, this is the longest time a main character has gone without having a Pokémon on hand, lasting for23 episodes. In the previous occurrence, A Poached Ego!, James had no Pokémon briefly after releasing his Weezing, right before catching Cacnea at the end of the episode.
  • Team Rocket's balloon has been redesigned from a Meowth to a purple balloon.
    • This episode is the only appearance of the purple balloon.
  • As of this episode, Wobbuffet is no longer a member of the main cast until The Dream Continues!.
  • The English dub of this episode aired as a one-hour special along with In The Shadow of Zekrom!. This makes it the first time more than one new episode premiered during the same day since Tag! We're It..!, Glory Blaze!, and Smells Like Team Spirit! aired together back on February 1, 2008.
  • Music from Arceus and the Jewel of Life is used as background music.
  • This and the previous episode were aired in Italy on Disney XD one day after the American airing.
    • This marks the first time an episode is aired in Italy one day after the American airing.
  • Ash catches a Pidove and Jessie catches a Woobat, but oddly enough, these Pokémon swarm in Nuvema Town after the player goes out, whether in day or night.
  • When Pidove first breaks free of the Poké Ball, Ash exclaims 'I almost had it too!' This is likely a reference to the games, where a similar message is displayed when a Pokémon breaks free of a Poké Ball after two or three shakes, depending on the generation.


  • In the scene where Matori puts the coffee on Giovanni's desk, the yellow stripes on Giovanni's uniform are missing.
  • Before Ash catches Pidove, he flips his hat backwards, but when Ash picks the Poké Ball up, his hat is facing forwards.
  • When Team Rocket capture Pikachu and Axew, Pikachu is shown to be held in the left arm and Axew in the right. Later on, they are shown in the opposite arms.
  • After Iris says 'Axew isn't yours. It's mine', Pikachu's right cheek is missing.
  • When Pikachu collapses near the end of the episode, a bit of grass can be seen over Pikachu's left ear.

Dub edits

  • In the English dub, Professor Oak wants Ash to report to him about the new Pokémon he meets. In the original Japanese version, he specifies that he wants to hear about the unusual and rare Pokémon Ash encounters.
  • In the English dub, Delia asks Ash if he has clean underwear. In the original Japanese version, she asks him if he forgot anything.

In other languages

Language Title
Влизат Ирис и Аксю!
Mandarin Chinese艾莉絲與牙牙!
Ulaze Iris i Axew!
Přichází Iris a Axew!
Iris og Axew!
Hier zijn Iris en Axew
Tavatkaa Iris ja Axew!
Iris et Coupenotte entrent en scène !
Die Reise beginnt..!
Γνωριμία με την Άιρις και τον Axew!
Iris और Axew की एंट्री! Iris aur Axew ki Entry!
Iris dan Axew!
Entrino Iris e Axew!
새로운 친구 아이리스와 터검니
Møtet med Iris og Axew!
Nadchodzą Iris i Axew!
PortugueseEntram Iris e Axew!
Entram em Cena a Iris e o Axew!
Знакомство с Ирис и Эксъю!
Ulaze Ajris i Aksju!
Spanish¡Entran Iris y Axew!
¡Entran Iris y Axew!
Iris och Axew!
ไอริส กับ คิบาโกะ
Iris ve Axew gelirler!
Airisu và Kibago

BW001: In The Shadow of Zekrom!
Pokémon the Series: Black & White
BW003: A Sandile Gusher of Change!
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.
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