Openpli dm800 clone. DM800HD Clone Patched Images (Sim SSL#84D - Pagina 5: pin. DM 500 HD SIM2 Clone Images - DM 500 HD SIM2 Clone Images -Forum: pin. Nemesis2.5-dm800-e2-OE(1.6)-SVN(105r4)-ramiMAHER -e3 #ssl84bThis is the first images Enigma2 3.2.2: patched by ramiMAHER We are always The best With sim2 Enigma2 3.2.2: patched by ramiMAHER.

- Images for Dreambox DM800 HD clone models. Make sure any images downloaded are compatible with your sim card and bootloader before attempting to flash the receiver.
- DM800 Clones Images - Any information provided on this site is not guaranteed in any way. Some articles may discuss topics that are illegal, so this information is provided for educational purposes only, your use of the content, downloads and files, or any part thereof, is made solely at your own risk and responsibility.
- Sticky: DM800 Clone Patched Images Sim2.01 ssl #84 (1 2 3. Last Page) ramiMAHER. OpenSPA-5.0.001-DM800 Clone.
Thread / Author | Replies | Views | Rating | Last Post[asc] | ||
OpenPLi-3.0-beta-dm800se #ssl84b [OE2.0] Started by: rockster |
| 4 8,895 | saverino197 08-16-2018, 08:35 AM | |||
OpenPLi-4.0-beta-dm800se #ssl84b [OE2.0] Started by: bartje01 |
| 30 37,053 | Nasier33 06-17-2018, 05:05 PM | |||
DM800SE Clone ssl84d sim 2.10 bad sectors problem Started by: farrukh |
| 4 4,151 | fullhd1080 07-06-2017, 07:22 PM | |||
| 0 1,026 | Sardoz 04-19-2017, 05:36 PM | ||||
Dm800se original not booting Started by: techi |
| 0 1,544 | techi 01-27-2016, 07:51 PM | |||
OpenEmbedded-Rel2-dm800se-SIM2-SSL#84B-ByYASSINOV [Video Boot Inside] Started by: hydtie |
| 6 10,478 | NEPZSMILER 04-07-2015, 12:39 PM | |||
Boot Loader File Size too Big ! Aborted Started by: stuthejag |
| 7 4,087 | fairbird 03-31-2015, 12:09 AM | |||
dreambox dm 800 HD se clone 2.10 Simm crashes Started by: johpenn |
| 1 1,580 | fairbird 03-21-2015, 08:08 PM | |||
| 1 1,714 | fairbird 03-19-2015, 01:07 AM | ||||
OpenATV-4.1-beta-dm800se #ssl84d Started by: Badboy4eva |
| 1 6,018 | Badboy4eva 11-07-2014, 09:11 PM | |||
OpenPLi-2.1-beta-dm800se-20120507 by gjstroom Started by: sinioraki1974 |
| 1 5,235 | sinioraki1974 09-06-2014, 11:56 PM | |||
OoZooN-dm800se-OE2.0-2014-05-31-ramiMAHER#ssl84d Started by: kwabh115 |
| 1 3,140 | kwabh115 07-09-2014, 12:25 PM | |||
TSimage-1.1-Deluxe-dm800se-twinpro-sim2-ssl84b Started by: malermester |
| 7 9,179 | fairbird 10-17-2013, 02:04 PM | |||
Newnigma2 v3.3.2-dm800se-ramiMAHER #ssl84b Started by: khaz |
| 2 8,183 | Tage 03-28-2013, 02:30 PM | |||
OpenEmbedded-dm800se-0607212-SIM2-SSL84b-ByYASSINOV Started by: max383 |
| 2 5,073 | fairbird 01-10-2013, 11:37 PM | |||
ramiMAHER-v19-dm800se-20-09-2011 #ssl82 Started by: ab123 |
| 2 5,926 | chregu 10-06-2012, 08:11 PM | |||
ramiMAHER-v20-dm800se-25-09-2011 #ssl84 Started by: ab123 |
| 1 6,756 | ab123 09-22-2012, 01:49 AM | |||
BlackHole-1-7-2-dm800se-ramiMAHER #ssl84b Started by: abunaser |
| 7 12,006 | abunaser 05-25-2012, 07:57 AM | |||
Vu+1.1-DM800SE.12.22-Sim210-84.B.riyad66.nfi Started by: samkhp |
| 1 4,080 | samkhp 03-22-2012, 05:46 PM | |||
DDD-dm800se-1-4-20111214.Sim2#84.b.riyad66.nfi Started by: ouchber |
| 1 3,086 | ouchber 01-25-2012, 03:25 PM |
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Dm800hd Pvr Clone Images

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Dm800 Clone Image Newnigma2
DM800 ClonePatchedImages for Sim2.01 #76 -
used for:
Internal or external flash of sim201 dreambox with any bootloader
-All features of original image and fully functional
REQUIEM FOR…a Dream!!!
Lately things became very hard for most of us in the LT Team regarding personal issues that prevent us from focusing to our main purpose regarding the SAT scene, which is out beloved LT image. We have done too much progress regarding the changes, and the transition from LT5th Campaign to the LT6th Sense was almost flawless. New updates were going public with the use of the Service Packs and bugs that were not revealed during the beta testing era, where eliminated after all. However and apart from our problems, each and every one of us is trying to do its best to keep this 'idea' alive and make the Sat community and especially our supporters as happy as possible.
This was supposed to be LT7 but the thing called real life struck us hard, very hard.. We then did the best of the situation and here is LT6½ image. It is a LT6 but updated with latest Enigma2 and OE 1.6. LT7 is postponed for the near future till our beloved head graphics designer Nemesis is back. LT7 will have the same structure as LT6½ but with the addition of a new/enhanced skin. Till then…sit back and enjoy our beloved image…
OE 1.6
DM8000HD PVR, DM800HD,DM500HD 20100623
DM7025 20100804
DM8000HD PVR, DM800HD, DM7025 #76
DM500HD #79
20100930 Experimental
LT revision:
Note 1!
If you have the device connected during boot then it will be mounted by /etc/fstab and in such case mountpoints below will be used. This is for your harddisc and if you choose to use LT Link Manager or LT EPG Cachelink Manager with CF or USB Stick.
Hotplug, devices you insert when Enigma2 is running, is handled by autofs and all thoose devices are mounted at /autofs and use the devicename from /dev like /autofs/sda1
/dev/hdda1 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_sd1 /media/sd auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_cf1 /media/cf auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_sm1 /media/sm auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_ms1 /media/ms auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_lower1 /media/usb auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_upper1 /media/usb1 auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_front1 /media/usb2 auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_internal1 /media/usb3 auto defaults 0 0
If you rebuild your dm500hd to activate USB we recommend that you add some kind of over-current protection since otherwise you can destroy your box!
LT Team takes no responsibility for your box if you modify it and be aware that your Warranty will be void.
Note 2!
Since this is image is based on LT7's code the LT Link Manager controlfile is not lt6links.cfg anymore it is now lt7links.cfg
Note 3!
DM7025 image is experimental and might not work yet. No further support for this image will be given.
A big special thanx to all the Beta testers involved! Those are the 'behind-the-scene' heroes trying to make us all better: t40t40, Leatherface, Jimdefruit, zumzum, acid-burn, dream_dxb, emitec, psykix, Vlad, Zenox, Zeranovsky, ~Ryu~, AVR-rulez, hassogava, s_a and all the others that i might forget..
Best regards
by internet explorer or dreamup
bootloader will upgraded to sim201-76c(no need to upload sim201-bl76-already included)
used for:
Internal or external flash of sim201 dreambox with any bootloader
-All features of original image and fully functional
REQUIEM FOR…a Dream!!!
Lately things became very hard for most of us in the LT Team regarding personal issues that prevent us from focusing to our main purpose regarding the SAT scene, which is out beloved LT image. We have done too much progress regarding the changes, and the transition from LT5th Campaign to the LT6th Sense was almost flawless. New updates were going public with the use of the Service Packs and bugs that were not revealed during the beta testing era, where eliminated after all. However and apart from our problems, each and every one of us is trying to do its best to keep this 'idea' alive and make the Sat community and especially our supporters as happy as possible.
This was supposed to be LT7 but the thing called real life struck us hard, very hard.. We then did the best of the situation and here is LT6½ image. It is a LT6 but updated with latest Enigma2 and OE 1.6. LT7 is postponed for the near future till our beloved head graphics designer Nemesis is back. LT7 will have the same structure as LT6½ but with the addition of a new/enhanced skin. Till then…sit back and enjoy our beloved image…
OE 1.6
DM8000HD PVR, DM800HD,DM500HD 20100623
DM7025 20100804
DM8000HD PVR, DM800HD, DM7025 #76
DM500HD #79
20100930 Experimental
LT revision:
Note 1!
If you have the device connected during boot then it will be mounted by /etc/fstab and in such case mountpoints below will be used. This is for your harddisc and if you choose to use LT Link Manager or LT EPG Cachelink Manager with CF or USB Stick.
Hotplug, devices you insert when Enigma2 is running, is handled by autofs and all thoose devices are mounted at /autofs and use the devicename from /dev like /autofs/sda1
/dev/hdda1 /media/hdd auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_sd1 /media/sd auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_cf1 /media/cf auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_sm1 /media/sm auto defaults 0 0
/dev/card_ms1 /media/ms auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_lower1 /media/usb auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_upper1 /media/usb1 auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_front1 /media/usb2 auto defaults 0 0
/dev/usb_internal1 /media/usb3 auto defaults 0 0
If you rebuild your dm500hd to activate USB we recommend that you add some kind of over-current protection since otherwise you can destroy your box!
LT Team takes no responsibility for your box if you modify it and be aware that your Warranty will be void.
Note 2!
Since this is image is based on LT7's code the LT Link Manager controlfile is not lt6links.cfg anymore it is now lt7links.cfg
Note 3!
DM7025 image is experimental and might not work yet. No further support for this image will be given.
A big special thanx to all the Beta testers involved! Those are the 'behind-the-scene' heroes trying to make us all better: t40t40, Leatherface, Jimdefruit, zumzum, acid-burn, dream_dxb, emitec, psykix, Vlad, Zenox, Zeranovsky, ~Ryu~, AVR-rulez, hassogava, s_a and all the others that i might forget..
Best regards
by internet explorer or dreamup
bootloader will upgraded to sim201-76c(no need to upload sim201-bl76-already included)