Arma 3 Life Lakeside

A3L Big City Life allows our users to download the required Addons with a simple to use program called Arma 3 Sync. All you have to do is follow the simple 1, 2, 3 steps below. You'll be online in no time!


Can't Do It?Our friendly staff will help you quickly install the addons with TeamViewer.
Download TeamViewer and speak to an admin to get started.

  1. To install Jackson County/ Lakeside Community Project you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded.
  2. So ive just downloaed arma 3 and i was looking at the LIFE mod how can i play what do i need to download can you please hellp!!!! Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments AABEAGLE.
  3. Lakeside Life RPG. Der einzigartigste ArmA 3 Hardcore RP Server. Was wir euch bieten: Leistungsstarker Root-Server Eine eigene, selbsterstellte Map, die komplett auf unseren Server abgestimmt ist Neue, innovative und vorallem selbst geschriebene Scripts.

Download Arma 3 Sync Download lagu black brothers full album rar. Download Arma 3 Sync at this URL, once downloaded, install it. We made this process easy for you. (download link at bottom of page)


Add Arma 3 DirectoryRun Arma 3 Sync. It will ask you to input your default Arma 3 directory so it can install the addons inside it. It is most likely in C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonArma 3

If you fail to RP, you will be removed from ArmA 3 Life for disrupting gameplay for others. (Starting a bank robbery and then immediately leaving the scene is considered Failure to RP). The NLR (New Life Rule) is as follows: You die, fully die as in respawn. If you fail to RP, you will be removed from ArmA 3 Life for disrupting gameplay for others. (Starting a bank robbery and then immediately leaving the scene is considered Failure to RP). The NLR (New Life Rule) is as follows: You die, fully die as in respawn. You forget all details that led up to your death (Killer, location, etc;).


Add Repository for DownloadInside Arma 3 Sync, Add the server addons by clicking the Repositories Tab on the top right. Then to Add a Repository, Click the blue plus icon on the right.


Insert Public auto-config URLIn the new repository box, depending on your location, choose the best server to download the addons. Copy and paste a blue URL below into the 'Public auto-config url' input on the top. Then click IMPORT.

Arma 3 Life Lakeside

West USA
Central USA
East USA

Fetch New FilesAfter adding the repo, Enter the repo by click the Door icon on the right. (last icon). It will load a list of the required addons.


Begin DownloadAfter it finishes loading. Click on the Green Checkmark on the top left. Wait for it. Then click SELECT ALL to download each addon folder. All 3 folders on the right should be checked.


Start DownloadOnce you have the 3 addon folders checked, press the Play button on the left. It will begin to download! Sit back n chill out! Downloading will take a while. Perfect time to checkout our website.


Add Task Force Radio To TeamSpeakGo inside your Arma 3 folder (step 2). Then go inside the @task_force_radio folder, then go inside TeamSpeak Plugin folder and double click on install-TFR.exe. This will automatically install TFR to your TeamSpeak. After running this, enable Task Force Radio on TeamSpeak in Settings -> Plugins


Add Mods to Arma 3 LauncherOpen Arma 3 and click on MODS tab. You must add each of the 4 folders that were downloaded. @A3L, @CBA_A3, @Lakeside, @task_force_radio from inside your Arma 3 directory


Connect to ServerWe can't wait to see you join, so get in fast by searching for 'A3L BIG CITY LIFE' or clicking the Remote on the bottom right of Arma 3 game, and adding Game Server IP:


Arma 3 Life Forums

You're Done!Enjoy our community, and become a part of it by joining our forums. If you wish to become a police officer, please do an application online. You should also get on TeamSpeak! IP:


Updating the RepoSometimes we add new features into the server, so the client must download. If you have any issues getting in, make sure you have the most recent addons via Arma 3 Sync. Contact us on TeamSpeak

Arma 3 Life Mod

YouTube Help Video: Mahabharat star plus episode 1 episodes.